Installation of Windows on ASRock J5040-itx...

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Installation of Windows on ASRock J5040-itx...

Post by Ixel »

Hi guys,
I got the clear C64x case and started to build the system.
I went for the ASRock J5040-itx board, 16GB RAM works fine (although the spec says max 8GB), the SSD is huge (500GB), Commodore OS Vision and on another SSD Linux Mint Cinnamon. Both installations are running and there were no problems during installation.
Here is my question:
Windows installation fails whether I try 11 or 10 (or even 8.1 and 7).
The installation aborts saying that some driver is missing. You don't get an exact specification.
I have tried every driver that has something to do with the SATA chipset, I have tried various drivers of the ASMEDIA 106x driver. I have tried all the drivers from the ASRock website, but unfortunately there is nothing about the SATA issue
Nothing. The setup program does not want to install the driver.
Does anyone have similar problems with Windows and this mainboard and can give me a tip on how to solve them?
Many thanks in advance.
Best regards
Ixel, aka Elmar

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Re: Installation of Windows on ASRock J5040-itx...

Post by LeoNigro »

For ASRock motherboards, have you got TPM enabled in BIOS? That seems to be catching people out.
It would be under advanced options(F6). Then Security tab, then a field with something like Intel Trusted Platform Technology.

I don't know if that will effect Commodore OS. Probably not.
I can't get Win11 on my Grub menu no matter how hard I try. I think it may be an issue with my hardware.

You may need to update your BIOS. But that solves a Win11 problem only.
Careful when you update your BIOS as you can brick your system.
Image Commodore OS creator. Site Admin. Owns: C64, C128D(Sidekick64), A500, A1000(piStorm), C64x(i7)

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Re: Installation of Windows on ASRock J5040-itx...

Post by Ixel »

Thanks for the idea.
TPM was activated. However, I have left Secure Boot off, as this is currently too fishy for me. Who knows what Microsoft will do with it?
A missing driver is being criticized. Very unspecific as a driver for CD, DVD or hard disk.
As a last attempt I tried the Intel Rapid Storage Driver in an older version. Unfortunately also without success.
Further ideas are welcome.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Installation of Windows on ASRock J5040-itx...

Post by Ixel »

For the files: It now works and the solution is somewhat astounding:
I copied the image to the stick with dd in the terminal. There seem to be issues with that. Copying the image with Rufus made the install work.
I now have some minor issues with Apps having 0 Bytes on Disk but I hope to get that fixed with the normal update-routines.

Now Commodore OS has to be reinstalled :-).

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