Getting Commodore OS to speak to you

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Re: Feedback, Booting and Screen Blanking.

Post by Lessss »

There is a speech reader included in commodore OS likely from Amiga files.
What is the program name and can it be used to read files/ebooks/pdfs?

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Re: Feedback, Booting and Screen Blanking.

Post by alexndr »

Lessss wrote: Thu Nov 07, 2024 4:45 am There is a speech reader included in commodore OS likely from Amiga files.
What is the program name and can it be used to read files/ebooks/pdfs?
If you refer to the speech reader used by the menu option to update to latest linux kernel it seems to be called "espeak".

Code: Select all

espeak [options] ["<words>"]

-f <text file>   Text file to speak
--stdin    Read text input from stdin instead of a file

If neither -f nor --stdin, then <words> are spoken, or if none then text
is spoken from stdin, each line separately.

-a <integer>
	   Amplitude, 0 to 200, default is 100
-g <integer>
	   Word gap. Pause between words, units of 10mS at the default speed
-k <integer>
	   Indicate capital letters with: 1=sound, 2=the word "capitals",
	   higher values indicate a pitch increase (try -k20).
-l <integer>
	   Line length. If not zero (which is the default), consider
	   lines less than this length as end-of-clause
-p <integer>
	   Pitch adjustment, 0 to 99, default is 50
-s <integer>
	   Speed in approximate words per minute. The default is 175
-v <voice name>
	   Use voice file of this name from espeak-data/voices
-w <wave file name>
	   Write speech to this WAV file, rather than speaking it directly
-b	   Input text encoding, 1=UTF8, 2=8 bit, 4=16 bit 
-m	   Interpret SSML markup, and ignore other < > tags
-q	   Quiet, don't produce any speech (may be useful with -x)
-x	   Write phoneme mnemonics to stdout
-X	   Write phonemes mnemonics and translation trace to stdout
-z	   No final sentence pause at the end of the text
--compile=<voice name>
	   Compile pronunciation rules and dictionary from the current
	   directory. <voice name> specifies the language
--ipa      Write phonemes to stdout using International Phonetic Alphabet
	   Specifies the directory containing the espeak-data directory
--pho      Write mbrola phoneme data (.pho) to stdout or to the file in --phonout
	   Write phoneme output from -x -X --ipa and --pho to this file
	   Speak the names of punctuation characters during speaking.  If
	   =<characters> is omitted, all punctuation is spoken.
	   Separate phonemes (from -x --ipa) with <character>.
	   Default is space, z means ZWJN character.
	   Starts a new WAV file every <minutes>.  Used with -w
--stdout   Write speech output to stdout
	   Use a tie character within multi-letter phoneme names.
	   Default is U+361, z means ZWJ character.
--version  Shows version number and date, and location of espeak-data
	   List the available voices for the specified language.
	   If <language> is omitted, then list all voices.

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Re: Feedback, Booting and Screen Blanking.

Post by alexndr »

I just added following command as "Startup application" ..

Code: Select all

espeak "Greetings professor Falken. Shall we play a game?"
Feels like it's a good fit.

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Re: Feedback, Booting and Screen Blanking (solved)

Post by LeoNigro »

Try inserting a few periods in the sentence for a stilted dramatic effect. :D
Yeah, espeak is a linux program, and although similar, is not directly from the Amiga.
It probably sounds more like the C64 speech cartridge.
Image Commodore OS creator. Site Admin. Owns: C64, C128D(Sidekick64), A500, A1000(piStorm), C64x(i7)

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