Keyboard Shortcuts

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Keyboard Shortcuts

Post by LeoNigro »

You may review this info at any time from the menu:
System ---> Commodore OS ---> Display Keyboard Shortcuts.

The following are special key combinations allowing the manipulation of Windows and special effects:

Window Transparency = ALT + Mouse Scroll Wheel

Flip to Window Left = ALT + TAB
Flip to Window Right = ALT + TAB + SHIFT

Rotate to Window Left = Commodore key + TAB
Rotate to Window Right = Commodore key + TAB + SHIFT

Toggle Workspace View = Commodore key + SPACE OR Mouse Scroll Wheel Click

Flip to Workspace Right = CTRL + ALT + Right Cursor Key
Flip to Workspace Left = CTRL + ALT + Left Cursor Key

Desktop Cube = CTRL + ALT + Mouse

Desktop Zoom = Commodore key + Mouse wheel

Fire Effect Start = Commodore key + SHIFT + Mouse Button Left
Fire Effect End = Commodore key + SHIFT + C (key)

Water Effect = CTRL + Tab + Mouse position
Rain (Start/End) = Commodore key + R (key)

Screen Saver = Commodore key + S (key)

Window Picker = Shift + Alt + Up (key)

* Transparency is disabled on maximized windows.

* Classic Commodore games, demos and music can be accessed via the Commodore icon in the dock.

* The menu icon in the dock allows for text searching of applications.

The key bindings above can be modified from the menu: (Please note that this may be destructive. Take care.)
System ---> Look and Feel --> Visual Effects Manager.
Image Commodore OS creator. Site Admin. Owns: C64, C128D(Sidekick64), A500, A1000(piStorm), C64x(i7)

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