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Problem with nVidia RTX cards?

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2024 3:47 pm
by Moejj Oryzen

I loved the original COS, so geeked to find 2.0. Trying to install Nvidia drivers is *HELL*. I've wasted so much time fighting with trying to get nvidia drivers installed, I quit. Which really bugs me, I love all the games and emulators, but w/o correct video drivers I'm stuck with a 1024x768 display.

(this is where you all feel sorry for me - the struggle is real! LOL)

AMD drivers easier to install? Maybe I should try one of my AMD boxes?

Re: Installing Commodore OS Vision

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 5:04 am
by LeoNigro
Forgive me if I am stating the obvious.

Have you tried?
Menu option:
System --> Preferences --> Look and Feel --> Additional Tools

Then select
Nvidia driver installer

Re: Installing Commodore OS Vision

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 12:00 am
by Moejj Oryzen
I have. Error after error, tried installing drivers from Nvidia too. Nope. Nada. Stuck with 1024x768 with unrecognized monitors. I successfully installed on an old laptop, 6th gen Intel to gauge the age. Has an Nvidia Quadro MX1000 (something like that). I was able to install the Nvidia drivers w/o any issues. Desktop I was trying to install has an RTX 4070 Super.

Re: Installing Commodore OS Vision

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 2:41 pm
by Moejj Oryzen
hi. I just wanted to drop a followup post, I have COS 2.0 installed on a Lenovo P50 - I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS DISTRO!!! IMHO the first OS that's fun to use! I love all of the visual effects, plus all of the included emulators. Today I'm going to get the Amiga/Cloanto stuff installed/configured. Looking forward to playing some Amiga games on here. I already can on my Raspberry Pi but it will be more fun to play on here. :-)

The P50 is a work computer. Tonight I'm going to use an old Toshiba Qosmio laptop with a 20" display. I used to run the old COS back in 2k10. Has a GTX 460, so Nvidia drivers will be a breeze.

Any tips for newer RTX cards?


Re: Installing Commodore OS Vision

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2024 4:30 am
by LeoNigro
Glad to hear that is not giving you grief at least and that you are enjoying it.

Forgive me if I'm stating the obvious....
Just checking you did the following after a Commodore OS update and updating the kernel to latest version, which are actions available from the Commodore OS menu.

Code: Select all

# update software repositories
sudo apt update
# install software updates
sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
# Remove unnecessary packages
sudo apt autoremove -y
# clean apt cache
sudo apt clean

From the CLI:

Code: Select all

sudo apt -y install nvidia-detect
this should tell you whether to install the nvidia driver. Examples I've seen online do pick up RTX cards. (at least they do the 30xxRTX cards)

Code: Select all

apt -y install nvidia-driver

Re: Problem with nVidia RTX cards?

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 3:29 pm
by Moejj Oryzen
the part i didn't try was the detect install from the CLI.

now i'm tempted to try it out again. will need to repartition the drive with GParted . I'd really like to run COS from my desktop.

Thanks for the tip. :-)

Know what though? Thank I'll just forego the whole desktop. I'd like to drop windows from an old Toshiba Qosmio laptop. Has a 19" display! I bought an i7-940XM CPU for it to upgrade from an i7-740. Will upgrade that monster laptop, then install COS.

Love having Fridays off, and putzing around with computer stuff. I really should use this time to studay for my CCNA, and get a grip on coding.