The History of Commodore Vision OS

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Re: The History of Commodore Vision OS

Post by LeoNigro »

Are you in touch or buddies -- or friendly acquaintances with any of the other parties involved in getting all this running?
I'd like to think Sean and I are pals. Even though we've only communicated via e-mails and some private chats thus far.
He strikes me as a cool dude!! If we were in the same timezone I'm sure we'd meet in person or be constantly on the phone.
I certainly appreciate how he's handled himself and how great a job he's done resurrecting my old C64x project.
I feel like I know him having watched all the informative videos on his YouTube MyRetroComputer channel.
I suggest you subscribe to his channel:
Probably a bit personal? But what are you getting out of it? Is anyone giving you a cut?
Nobody gets into retro to get rich. It's basically to scratch an itch. I think I'll leave it that.
Sean has been more than generous given how little I feel I have contributed.
I am happy just to be a part of it again.
How does it feel to have been so involved in the resurrection of the c64 brand?
I feel great satisfaction in putting a smile on some people's faces. :lol:
What do you envision for the future?
I was cringe inducingly positive back when I was with Barry, but clearly things don't always pan out the way you hoped.
Let's just see how things go. I'm cautiously optimistic. This is like take 2 for me.
It will take some doing, but if such projects as the C64x can build some momentum, maybe something great can happen, and we can truly bring the Commodore brand back into public consciousness again.
I think the ultimate goal should be about securing the Commodore brand's legacy for the next generation.
I think this can take many forms, and may involve pursuing a multi pronged approach to service Commodore fans both old and new.
Image Commodore OS creator. Site Admin. Owns: C64, C128D(Sidekick64), A500, A1000(piStorm), C64x(i7)

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