COS newbie questions

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COS newbie questions

Post by FruityChews »

Hi everyone,

Is there a guide in COS? I found a few resources, but I couldn't find answers to basic questions.

1. Is there a way to automatically search for WiFi and just put in the password, or do I need to configure the WiFi? If it's the latter, is there a guide on how to do that?
2. How do I close an open window if there are no specific menus or a 'close' button?

Thank you.

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Re: COS newbie questions

Post by LeoNigro »

1. There's a little icon in the top right that allows you to pick your wifi, and will prompt you for a password.
2. It sounds like the Emerald window decorations(the window borders and buttons) didn't kick in.
Go to the top menu, which should still be accessible, and somewhere under the System menu look for MATE Tweak.
IIRC you can select the desktop compositor under the Window tab (not near a computer at the moment).
You'll have a choice between Marco and Compiz(if your hardware is compatible).

Yeah, I really should get around to writing a manual for Commodore OS along with videos. (Sorry, but it's not my day job)
The forum has certainly opened my eyes to some of the pain points people are feeling.
I was thinking of making a custom purchasable ring bound replica of the C64's for inclusion with the C64x, but that takes time.
We packaged a similar one with Ubuntu's instructions with the C64x back in 2011.
Image Commodore OS creator. Site Admin. Owns: C64, C128D(Sidekick64), A500, A1000(piStorm), C64x(i7)

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Re: COS newbie questions

Post by Ixel »

The ring bound book is on my wishlist :-) Looking forward to that.

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Re: COS newbie questions

Post by FruityChews »

Thank you! The window advice worked.

The WiFi is disabled in COS and after searching around, I don't think I can enable it through COS. I am 99% certain that it's a Mac problem. I have read that there are WiFi issues with Linux and Mac. It looks like I need to install a Broadcom update of some kind. I haven't had the time to explore that properly yet. There's no rush since I'm using ethernet for this system.

I tried the Linux Kernal update from within COS, but that broke my COS - it would startup and then go into black-screen terminal mode. When I pressed the power button to shut down the computer, there would be a ream of terminal notifications showing that it was stopping various processes, and then it would shut down. I think this may be another Mac issue to be aware of, I don't know. For me, it wasn't a major issue. I just reinstalled COS which didn't take long at all.

Ah, a printed manual would be amazing.

As an aside, I LOVE Cairo Penguin! :lol: Absolutely brilliant. :lol:

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