At the moment there are compatibility issues with Commodore OS, which are hopefully minor, and nOOb feels confident of an MXLinux/COS port.
Putting the cart before the horse......
nOOb is supportive of us either forking and/or rebranding this for use within Commodore OS as the official BASIC called "Commodore OS BASIC".
I think that would be wonderful!!!!! It's such a powerful and exciting project!!!!!! So Commodorian!!!
I haven't been this excited about a development technology since my Epyx BASIC Toolkit.
nOOb said:
If there is still some interest, I can work on setting up a build environment for this OS with the next release. Its a more modern BASIC with features like user defined types, 2D and 3D graphics, 2D and 3D physics, audio, networking, etc.
If I was to add this, it would be helpful to have some members of this community to volunteer to help with testing. Its an open source project so if anyone with C++ knowledge wants to contribute to development you are also more than welcome to.
Perhaps we could even bake the actual build development environment for RCBASIC/Commodore OS BASIC into Commodore OS.
We could make Commodore OS the go to for this project's development. No setup required? Git etc.
BTW He has a game on Steam developed using RCBASIC. I'll post it when he gets back to me with a link.
I would really like to release COS3 with this, so this might hold things up a little....but hopefully not by much.