Anyone used RCBASIC?

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Anyone used RCBASIC?

Post by LeoNigro »

Has anyone used RCBASIC?

I just came across it and it looks like a cool project, and maybe something to add to Commodore OS.
I still need to test/assess it to see if it is even appropriate for Commodore OS inclusion.
We're not exactly going to fall short on the BASICs for COS3. :mrgreen:
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Re: Anyone used RCBASIC?

Post by LeoNigro »

Replying to myself. :oops:
No. It's out of Commodore OS unfortunately. I can hear the sound in the demo programs, but no graphics.
Nobody can help in the forums either. Such a pity, as it looks great.

I have included Fuze BASIC though, which looks really cool. There are lots of online examples and game assets you can buy.
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Re: Anyone used RCBASIC?

Post by n00b »

Hello. I am the developer of RCBasic. A new user on my forum told me about interest in providing RCBasic for your OS. I am willing to work with the community here to get an official build for your OS if there is still interest. I replied to a message from the user about it and he invited me to join the forum here to discuss it.

To answer a question I saw, RCBasic is still being actively developed. I have had atleast 1 new release every year since about 2014. I had to step away from my forum for the last month because I had to travel for work. I am still on travel but I should be back in 2-3 weeks hopefully.

If there is still some interest, I can work on setting up a build environment for this OS with the next release. Its a more modern BASIC with features like user defined types, 2D and 3D graphics, 2D and 3D physics, audio, networking, etc.

If I was to add this, it would be helpful to have some members of this community to volunteer to help with testing. Its an open source project so if anyone with C++ knowledge wants to contribute to development you are also more than welcome to.

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Re: Anyone used RCBASIC?

Post by LeoNigro »

Noob it is sooooo great to hear from you!

I dm'ed you directly quite a few weeks ago.....and honestly I just assumed you blew me off. :lol:
I never assumed the project was not still alive. Indeed I enjoyed reading the frequent updates you gave.

As I mentioned in my message I really liked what I was seeing within the RCBASIC project.
Somebody did try to help me on the forum, so it shows you're building a good helpful community.

When you're a Commodore fan and you see RCBASIC has a Shadow of the Beast BASIC demo you know you've come to the right place. :mrgreen:

I'll message you on so we can discuss this further, given our time constraints.

I look forward to communicating with you further so we can work out the issues.

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Re: Anyone used RCBASIC?

Post by wiisoldier »

So good to see developers working togther for a common cause.

Kudos to you both.


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Re: Anyone used RCBASIC?

Post by LeoNigro »

At the moment there are compatibility issues with Commodore OS, which are hopefully minor, and nOOb feels confident of an MXLinux/COS port.

Putting the cart before the horse...... :oops:

nOOb is supportive of us either forking and/or rebranding this for use within Commodore OS as the official BASIC called "Commodore OS BASIC".
I think that would be wonderful!!!!! It's such a powerful and exciting project!!!!!! So Commodorian!!!
I haven't been this excited about a development technology since my Epyx BASIC Toolkit. :lol:

nOOb said:
If there is still some interest, I can work on setting up a build environment for this OS with the next release. Its a more modern BASIC with features like user defined types, 2D and 3D graphics, 2D and 3D physics, audio, networking, etc.

If I was to add this, it would be helpful to have some members of this community to volunteer to help with testing. Its an open source project so if anyone with C++ knowledge wants to contribute to development you are also more than welcome to.
Perhaps we could even bake the actual build development environment for RCBASIC/Commodore OS BASIC into Commodore OS.
We could make Commodore OS the go to for this project's development. No setup required? Git etc.

BTW He has a game on Steam developed using RCBASIC. I'll post it when he gets back to me with a link.

I would really like to release COS3 with this, so this might hold things up a little....but hopefully not by much.
Image Commodore OS creator. Site Admin. Owns: C64, C128D(Sidekick64), A500, A1000(piStorm), C64x(i7)

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