Exit emulator (answered)

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Exit emulator (answered)

Post by coyote »

I'm sure I'm missing something, but I've started working with Vision recently (inside VMware Workstation Pro 17.x) and stuck in the ROMs to run the old 8-bit computers. I've got the C64 starting up and except for certain keys not working (that I already see a post for so I'll investigate that), it comes up. Question is- how do I exit it or stop it from running? I'm normally a windows guy so the Linux format (although GUI) might be throwing me a bit. Thanks in advance!

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Re: Exit emulator

Post by LeoNigro »

ALT-Q will cause the Commodore emulator to close.

If the emulator goes full screen, double left mouse clicking on the emulator will cause the emulator to go back to being a window.

Unfortunately, for whatever reason, you may find that the title bar of the emulation window will go so high that it is no longer be visible.
For this reason, there are arrows on the extreme left and extreme right of the top menu.
Clicking on either of those arrows will hide and display the menu so that the emulator window can be recovered and dragged down.
Image Commodore OS creator. Site Admin. Owns: C64, C128D(Sidekick64), A500, A1000(piStorm), C64x(i7)

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