Commodore OS 3.0/Linux Games (Proposed)

A place to discuss the free Linux and Windows games and development options available on Commodore OS, games available through Steam and other vendors, and Windows(WINE) compatible games in general.
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Commodore OS 3.0/Linux Games (Proposed)

Post by LeoNigro »

Commodore OS is the official base install for the Commodore 64x. One of its goals is to provide countless hours of entertainment out of the box.

The following is a provisional list of games that are likely to come pre-installed in Commodore OS 3.0 (PC) as standard.
Testing will be required to see if they are compatible or if they require registration (likely through Steam).
The Steam game service, which is available from the menu (Applications --> Game Services and Tools), has a multitude of free linux based games you should try if you're interested, but as they require registration, they won't be included in Commodore OS.

Commodore OS 3 will also come pre-installed with the games in this list: viewtopic.php?t=762.
All games will come pre-configured to full screen (at reasonable resolutions where required) and categorised by genre in the menu system.

If you have a suggestion for a game that could be included (i.e. it's free, Linux compatible and fairly decent) please post below.
Free Windows games that run well through WINE are also welcome as suggestions.

Please note, if you are lamenting the download size, I am considering selling USBs, which may just happen to have Commodore OS 3.0 on them. :lol:
Maybe, some day, I'll get around to writing a manual(in the style of the VIC-20/C64 ring bound one) you can buy also, that will come with new C64Xs.

There are so many cool games I hope Commodore OS can introduce to you.
You might want to play some of them right now as I do with the sudo command below.

Code: Select all

sudo apt install 0ad alien-arena ardentryst astromenace assaultcube dustracing2d endless-sky freedroid frogatto flightgear openclonk planetblupi scorched3d trigger-rally warmux wesnoth xmoto -y
0 A.D. (Passed) (DONE!)
An historical Real Time Strategy game where you lead one of 12 ancient civilizations, similar to Age of Empires.

Alien Arena (Passed. Won't run in VirtualBox) (DONE!)
An ultra fast paced first person arena based shooter.

Ardentryst (Passed) (DONE!)
A 2D platform game combining elements of fighting, arcade, adventure, RPG and sidescrolling games.

A game inspired by the classic Moon Patrol arcade game, but using ASCII graphics.

Astromenace (Passed) (DONE!)
A great looking 2D space shooter with a 3D slant.

Assault Cube (Passed) (DONE!)
A first person arena based multiplayer shooter similar to the famous Counter Strike.

Play like you're the hero in an action movie in this fast-paced multiplayer FPS that spawned one of the most popular and influential games of all time, Counter-Strike.

Battle for Wesnoth (Passed) (DONE!)
A turn-based strategy game with a high fantasy theme.

Battle Tanks (FAIL)
Fast 2d tank arcade game with multiplayer and split-screen modes. ... z2?viasf=1

Chocolate Doom (FAIL. Requires WAD files of course.)
A Doom port that reproduces the experience of Doom, Heretic, Hexen and other games.

Codename-LT (candidate)
A pixelart game where you must run without getting caught by evil agents.

Cube 2: Sauerbraten (Passed) (DONE!)
A multi-player and single-player first person shooter. ... z2?viasf=1

Daggerfall Unity
A re-implementation of Elder Scrolls II:Daggerfall.

Doomsday Engine (FAIL. Needs WAD files)
Another Doom port that reproduces the experience of Doom, Heretic, Hexen and other games.

Dota 2
An exciting multiplayer online battle arena game that puts us in charge of a collection of heroes in cooperative multiplayer games to fight in an infinite number of battles.

Dust Racing 2D (Passed) (DONE!)
A scrolling car racing game which uses aerial view.

Eduke32 (Really? I gotta check this one out)
A remake of Duke Nukem 3D, the infamous 3D first person shooter.

A classic point-n-click style RPG, with dungeons to explore, enemies to fight, NPCs to talk to, sub-quests to complete, scenery to interact with, weapons, treasure and other items to find.

ET: Legacy (Really? I gotta check this one out)
A fully compatible client and server for the popular online FPS game Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

Fall of Imiryn
A retro styled JRPG.

A 2D action RPG similar to games in the Diablo series.

FlightGear (Passed) (DONE!)
A sophisticated flight simulator.

Endless Sky (Passed) (DONE!)
A 2D space trade and combat gameinspired by the classic Escape Velocity series.

XMoto (Passed) (DONE!)
A physics based Motorcross game where you have to guide your motorbike over various obstacles.

Freedroid (Passed) (DONE!)
A Paradroid themed isometric slash and hack role playing game, similar to Diablo, set in a world destroyed by a conflict between robots and their human masters.

Freedink/Dink Smallwood (FAIL. Did I have this already?)
An adventure/role-playing game, similar to classic Zelda.

Froggato & Friends (Passed) (DONE!)
A gorgeous retro 2D platform game with high-end pixel art graphics with a frog as the main character.

Gnome Desktop Chess (Testing) (I just need to find the game called "Global Thermonuclear War". Oh wait! We're already playing that)
Wouldn't you prefer a nice game of chess?

GZDoom (One of these better be good)
Another remake of Doom the grand daddy of first person 3D shooters.

Hedgewars (Passed) (DONE!)
Funny turn-based artillery game, like the game Worms, featuring fighting hedgehogs.

ioquake3 (FAIL. Needs wad files.)
Another port of Quake, one of the first 3D first person shooters.

ManiaDrive (FAIL. Too fiddly to install.)
A clone of Trackmania mixing driving with acrobatic circuits, featuring a multiplayer mode. ... gz?viasf=1

A fan-made video game that combines elements of Super Mario Bros and Portal. Errr.... What?

MegaGlest (Passed) (DONE!)
An entertaining 3D real-time strategy (RTS) game, where you can control the armies of one of seven different factions: Tech, Magic, Egypt, Indians, Norsemen, Persian or Romans.

Midnightmare Teddy!
A casual lightweight 3D shooter game for kids and families.

Minecraft Java Edition
The original unadulterated Minecraft game.

Minetest (Passed) (DONE!)
A Minecraft style game.

nQuake (Let's see how this one goes.)
A remake of Quake, one of the first 3D first person shooters.

A 3D space combat and commerce simulator like the classic Elite.

OpenClonk (Passed) (DONE!)
A 2D multiplayer action puzzle game with great graphics reminiscent of Lemmings, in which the player controls small humanoids called "clonks".

OpenTTD (Passed) (DONE!)
A remake of 1995's Transport Tycoon Deluxe tasking players with managing a major metropolitan transport system.

OpenRA (Passed)
A recreation and modernization of classic real time strategy games such as Red Alert, Command & Conquer, and Dune 2000. ... 4.AppImage ... 4.AppImage ... 4.AppImage

A 3D space adventure game set in our galaxy at the turn of the 33rd century similar to Elite.

Planet Blupi (Passed) (DONE!)
A strategy game(also known as Planet Eggbert) providing adventure combined with thought-provoking challenges.

Red Eclipse 2 (Passed)
A fun-filled take on the first person arena shooter, featuring parkour, impulse boosts, and more. ... ix.tar.bz2

Rigs of Rods
A 3D vehicle simulator that uses soft-body physics to simulate the motion destruction and deformation of vehicles.
https://itchio-mirror.cb031a832f4472675 ... fce25ec9e0

A Boulderdash clone where you tunnel around the screen dodging rocks to collect diamonds.

Scorched 3D (Passed)
A simple turn-based artillery game and also a real-time strategy game in which players can counter each others’ weapons with other creative accessories, shields and tactics.

Secret Maryo Chronicles
A two-dimensional platform game with a design similar to Super Mario.

Smokin' Guns
A first-person shooter with a spaghetti-western atmosphere.

Sonic Robo Blast 2
A Sonic themed 3D platform game.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart
A Sonic themed 3D kart racing game.

Spelunky Classic (Passed)
A treasure hunting or cave exploration game inspired by the classic platform games and roguelikes, where the goal is to get as many treasures from the cave as possible, avoiding traps and enemies.

Summoning Wars
A network-based, role-playing game with a point-and-click fight system.

Surge the Rabbit
A jump 'n' run platform game similar to Sonic the Hedgehog with a level designer and community mods.

Speed Dreams (Passed)
A Motorsport Simulator featuring high-quality 3D graphics and an accurate physics engine, all targeting maximum realism ... ge?viasf=1

The Dark Mod
An incredible 3D tribute the first person Thief game.

Toontown Rewritten (I'm not sure I want to poke THE mouse.)
A fan-made recreation of Disney's online MMORPG which was closed.

A team-based first-person shooter with real-time strategy elements.

Trigger Rally (Passed) (DONE!)
A fast-paced single-player rally racing game.

Unvanquished (This one looks too good)
A 3D real-time strategy game played as a first-person shooter where evolving aliens and heavily armed humans fight for survival.

Urban Terror
A first person multiplayer shooter similar to the famous Counter Strike. Warning! It's gory.

VDrift (FAIL)
A driving simulation made with drift racing in mind. ...

Valyria Tear
A single-player medieval-fantasy 2D J-RPG inspired by classic console RPGs.

Veleren (Passed)
Veloren is voxel graphic based, action-adventure, role-playing game set in a vast fantasy world.

A sandbox construction game in the same vein as Minecraft.

A MMORPG game that combines adventure, friendship and tactical combat.

WarMUX (Passed) (DONE!)
A Worms clone where funny animals fight on a 2D map with funny weapons.

A fast-paced first-person arena based shooter set in a futuristic cartoonish world.

Warzone 2100 (DONE!)
A 3D real-time strategy game

Widelands (Passed) (DONE!)
A strategy game where you start by ruling a small tribe with its main castle-like building storing all your resources.

A 3D first person shooter inspired by Wolfenstein 3D, Medal of Honor and Call of Duty

World of Padman (Passed)
A colorful, weird and wonderful death-match arena-style first person shooter similar to Unreal Tournament or Quake III Arena. ... 1736018297

Xonotic (Passed)
An addictive arena-style first person shooter similar to Unreal Tournament or Quake Arena.

Yorg (I really love this kind of game. Let's see if it is any good. I may have to send this guy a big donation. :D)
A top down racing game with 3D graphics reminiscent of Skidmarks on the Amiga.

For consideration

Heroes (doesn't work virtualbox)

More to come...... Watch this space!
Image Commodore OS creator. Site Admin. Owns: C64, C128D(Sidekick64), A500, A1000(piStorm), C64x(i7)

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Re: Commodore OS 3.0/Linux Games (Proposed)

Post by LeoNigro »

Glad you like the list.
Anything in mind?
Image Commodore OS creator. Site Admin. Owns: C64, C128D(Sidekick64), A500, A1000(piStorm), C64x(i7)

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Re: Commodore OS 3.0/Linux Games (Proposed)

Post by munecito »

From steam Broforce is one that suits the retro feel but with a modern twist.

That one is paid I'm afraid.

Has anybody ported battle chess from MS DOS?

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Re: Commodore OS 3.0/Linux Games (Proposed)

Post by LeoNigro »

Ha. Well it may not be Battle Chess, but there will be a desktop chess game included, as well as a few familiar board games.
Image Commodore OS creator. Site Admin. Owns: C64, C128D(Sidekick64), A500, A1000(piStorm), C64x(i7)

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Re: Commodore OS 3.0/Linux Games (Proposed)

Post by LeoNigro »

Code: Select all

sudo apt install angrydd dreamchess gravitation mu-cade wordwarvi -y
Destination Sol (Seems fiddly to install. We'll see.)
A hardcore arcade/RPG. You start as a pilot of a small fighter ship on the edge of a star system, and you’re free to explore the game world, land on planets, fight with enemies, upgrade your ship and equipment, hire mercenaries, mine asteroids, and more.

Word War vi (Passed) (DONE!)
A side-scrolling shoot 'em up '80s style arcade game where you pilot your "vi"per craft through core memory, rescuing lost .swp files, avoiding OS defenses, and wiping out those memory hogging emacs processes.

AngryDD [angrydd] (Passed) (DONE!)
A falling-block Puzzle Fighter-like game.

DreamChess [dreamchess] (Passed) (DONE!)
A 3D graphical Chess providing boards ranging from classic wooden to flat.

Gravitation (Passed)
A short, autobiographical pixelated art platform game.

Gigalomania (DECLINED)
an open source 2D Real Time Strategy god game.

Mu-cade (Passed) (DONE!)
A physics centipede invasion shoot-em-up.

SUPERHOT (Prototype) (FAIL)
A Bullet-time first person shooter. ...
Image Commodore OS creator. Site Admin. Owns: C64, C128D(Sidekick64), A500, A1000(piStorm), C64x(i7)

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Re: Commodore OS 3.0/Linux Games (Proposed)

Post by LeoNigro »

Cro-Mag Rally (Passed)
A caveman styled racer similar to Mariokart.

Spacewars Remake (I'm a little torn as it requires the second player to use a numeric keyboard which the C64x doesn't have. :cry: )
A two player game where each combatant must shoot the other's ship whilst encountering the gravity of a black hole.
(It was still fun playing as a single player though. Challenging. I used to love playing this on early PCs with friends.)
Image Commodore OS creator. Site Admin. Owns: C64, C128D(Sidekick64), A500, A1000(piStorm), C64x(i7)

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Re: Commodore OS 3.0/Linux Games (Proposed)

Post by LeoNigro »

Newton Adventure (Passed)
A rotating platform 2D puzzle game.

Red Ball (Passed) (My son had a blast on this)
A physics based platform game.

Nikwi Deluxe (Passed) (DONE!)

Celeste Classic (Passed)

AAAAXY (Passed)
A puzzling platform game.

Naev (Passed)
A 2D space trading game.

OttoMatic (Passed)
A third person shooter where as an alien, you protect humans from another alien species.

Bugdom (Passed)
A third person game where you save various bugs from their entrapment.

Space Cadet 3D Pinball Remake (Passed)
A remake of the Windows Pinball game included in versions of Windows.

StepMania (Passed)
A music rythm game.

Nanosaur (Passed)
A third person shooter where you play the role of an evolved Dynosaur.

As many of the Henry Stickmin series as I can find (Passed) They're short and they're a lot of fun. My son and I had a ball.
A funny and subversive quicktime event line drawn series of games.
Image Commodore OS creator. Site Admin. Owns: C64, C128D(Sidekick64), A500, A1000(piStorm), C64x(i7)

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Re: Commodore OS 3.0/Linux Games (Proposed)

Post by LeoNigro »

BOS Wars

Mr. Boom
Image Commodore OS creator. Site Admin. Owns: C64, C128D(Sidekick64), A500, A1000(piStorm), C64x(i7)

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