Broken System Repository?

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Broken System Repository?

Post by Anti-CMOS »

Is it just me or is the system repo completely borked?
Screenshot 2025-01-09 164746.jpg
Screenshot 2025-01-09 164746.jpg (168.8 KiB) Viewed 2133 times
Is there no way to fix this? I need newer packages to compile with.

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Re: Broken System Repository?

Post by LeoNigro »

Yeah, this is the problem with trying to install newer libraries from software downloaded outside of the repos with the libraries the older repository that Commodore OS 2 utilises.
This dependency hell is what the Windows people call "DLL hell".
That's one reason why container technologies have become popularized.

The repo software should be internally consistent so if you didn't install those libraries externally, then we have a major repo problem.

There were some things found to be broken with updating repos in COS2 and some of these things were seemingly rectified with the following command.

Code: Select all

sudo checkaptgpg && sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tor.list
Sorry if this doesn't help your situation right now.
You might want to wait for Commodore OS 3.0, which is a matter of weeks away. (edit: This didn't age well. :lol:)
Commodore OS 3 will provide access to current repositories.
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Re: Broken System Repository?

Post by Anti-CMOS »

Thank you for your reply. I've been hanging out with the AmiKit boys on discord, great bunch. I may have something very interesting to show you in the near future, time permitting as I'm unemployed at the moment and the ship is sinking. I have 23 years' experience in Information Technology, the last 10 of it all Linux based. I'm doing what's called an Ansible Playbook to "fix" things. I also have about 90% of Debian 12 ported to be Commodore OS with fully functional and up to date repos. Let me know what you think. I'm not planning on distributing any of this, just demoing it to a select few.

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Re: Broken System Repository?

Post by LeoNigro »

Well, I didn't make it too hard. :lol:

Just out of curiosity.
Did you get the Commodore OS sound theme working properly, as I can't get the open and close Window sound effects working without a major hack?
All the other sounds work fine though immediately.

Lot's of stuff you haven't seen yet coming to COS3. :ugeek:
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Re: Broken System Repository?

Post by Anti-CMOS »

I got a bit too much in a hurry and botched my boot loader (I'll revisit grub-cusotmizer later). I've restarted the process, not to that point with the sound yet (bit of work finding all your work). I'm writing a Ansible playbook to do this automatically next time. That Playbook could be released to turn any Linux distro into Commodore OS or kept by the author (of Commodore OS, you) to master new versions of the operating system rapidly. I really want to see Commodore OS and the Commodore brand to become more than just a Retro Toy. I want to see Commodore among giants like RedHat, Debian, Ubuntu, ArchLinux, etc... I want businesses to think; "Hey Commadore can do all that and we won't have the price of Apple or the nonsense of Microsoft and the cost of other Linux support contracts!" I was late to the game too because I had ideas for CommodoreUSA. I think there is still opportunity there, we just need the world to stop seeing Commodore as a gaming system or just a retro system... this perception can be changed. I know it, I feel it. Long live Commodore! :)

NOTE: Not sure how I'm going to decorate the login screen when I get to that point. Commodore OS Vision 2.0 is more or less configured for single user, the "Commodore" account. What I have done retains the multiuser nature of the underlining operating system. The short; I need pretty graphic for the log on screen.

EDIT: Just thought of writing a new application (may already exist) that would be a "pre-execution" engine of sorts. What it would do is identify any executable file you tried to run and execute via the appropriate system. (e.g Windows app with Wine, C64 app with emulator, Linux with native OS, etc.) A user wouldn't have to find the appropriate emulator or compatibility engine to run an executable, the system would figure it out and just run it.

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Re: Broken System Repository?

Post by LeoNigro »

I am currently working full time on such things you mention and have talked about them on this forum.
I also have plans for considerably much more that I have not divulged.
I also have extensive notes on reproducing the OS in future, but you can't make the assumption that the tech will remain static. Things will inevitably break in future and workarounds and compromises will need to be made, as they have for COS 3.0.

Why don't you dm me and we'll discuss some kind of collaboration on various aspects that may interest you, as others have, incidentally also from the Amikit discord.

I too, obviously wish the best for the Commodore brand, more than you know. BTW I also have 25+ years of commercial software development experience. I think it would be unrealistic for a Commodore OS to compete with the likes of Fedora or Ubuntu who have dedicated support staff and most businesses would take out support contracts for their OS. You can't really expect to feature things like ROM launchers and emulators and be taken seriously by businesses. Such an OS would need to be quite a bit less fun and a lot more stodgy. An entirely different "VISION" to that I would expect of the typical Commodore audience. That business audience is already covered and that market oversaturated.

Commodore, at its core, is really a hardware brand, which, in this iteration at least, happens to feature some cool and unique software that celebrates Commodore's legacy. The holy grail would be an updated Amiga OS like system on new Commodore hardware, that leverages the extensive Linux ecosystem. A future version perhaps.
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Re: Broken System Repository?

Post by Anti-CMOS »

Same issue with sound as you had. Seems there is a bug in Mate's sound themes. How did you end up "fixing" it?

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